Monday, October 5, 2009

Central Coast Affiliate Challenge

Setting up for some push jerks in the 

WOD #1 
"The Pull"
400m Row
30 SDHP at 95#
25 Pullups

Time 4:01

WOD #2
AMRAP in 15 Min
7 Unbroken Shoulder to Overhead
25 Unbroken Double Unders 
(Start at zero if you miss a rep)

11.5 Rounds

WOD #3
"Mile Plus"
4 Rounds for Time
400m Run
15 Squat Clean Thrusters at 95#
15 Burpees with 1' Target
Rest 2 minutes

Time ????? (If anyone knows please let me know)

What a fun and exciting day at CFV! Thank you everyone who coached, judged, worked out, cooked, drank, etc! I look forward to our next meeting. 

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