Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Station WOD and yesterday's pain inflicing WOD


5-5-5 Snatch Deadlift

AMRAP in 12 Min
5 Deadlifts at 225#
10 Box Jumps at 24"
200M Run

7 Rounds + 1 DL (Rx'd)

8 Big Laps around the Station (Approx 4.4 miles)
Time 32:15
Lap 1 4:23
Lap 2 4:14
Lap 3 4:08
Lap 4 4:02
Lap 5 3:59
Lap 6 3:56
Lap 7 3:49
Lap 8 3:39

I ran with a co-worker who is a better runner that I, and these split times were a result of us pushing eachother on each consecutive lap.

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