Saturday, February 28, 2009

Level 1 Cert: Day 1

Trainers included Greg Amundson, Jolie Gentry, Josh Everett, Pat Barber, Andy Stumpf, Rachel Medina, and a few others. What a crew!

The lectures and demos were awesome. I learned a lot and took a lot of notes for myself to remember the finer points.  In the group breakout sessions I closely watched how they taught the movements to a group of people. 

B2B Tabata Squats
Score is lowest reps: 13

5:19 (PR)

I was stoked with this time, especially after the b2b tabata squats and practicing the 9 fundamental movements all day long. I went out a little hard and I payed for it in the later rounds. I think I would have gone faster if I paced myself better. 

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Thrusters and Running


AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
10 Thrusters 95#
400m Run

8 Rounds

This one was an official ass kicker!

Zone Challenge: 23
Today was the first day with 4x fat. 

Tuesday, February 24, 2009




AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Squats

22 Rounds + 5 Pullups + 8 Pushups
PR by 2 pushups

I was hoping for more than this, but I did improve so I can't complain. Once again, my pushups were the weak link. Only the first 4 rounds of pushups were unbroken, then I started breaking them into 2 sets of 5. I could have pushed faster during the squats. I thought keeping a constant pace would produce more rounds, but I guess not. Next time I need to push as fast as I can on the pullups and squats to make up for my weak pushups. Metcon wise I felt totally fine (more reason to push faster during the squats). OPT kipping pullups are fast and easier to do C2B. First 19 rounds of pullups were C2B until I ripped my hand. 

I had my body fat tested today at a fittness assessment for work. 
Body Fat = 5.5 % +/- 5% according to the trainer. 
My reading three months ago was 8.5%. 

This calls for more fat! I'm changing my zone prescription to 16 blocks with 4x fat. 

Zone Challenge: 22

Monday, February 23, 2009

Front Squats


Front Squats

Back Squat

5 Rounds for Time:
30 DU
5 135# Power Cleans
Time: 8:03

My DUs sucked today. I couldn't link more than 10-12 together and it really hurt my time. 


1:30 total of L-sits.
9 Skin the cats

Zone Challenge: 22

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Late Post

Yesterday was quite a day. 


AMRAP in 20 min of:
2 Muscle Ups
8 KBS 70#

11 Rounds + 1 MU  Rx'd

This was an awesome WOD and it might be one of my new favorites. The muscle ups and KBS were fairly easy and all were unbroken. Unfortunately, the MUs and KBS were easy because I am so bad at HSPU. I started doing sets of 2 for the first few rounds then I had to break them up into sets of 1. This gave me a lot of rest and recovery time for the other movements. 

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Working on Strength


Back Squat
3 Sets of 5

155-185-205 (PR)

Then . . . 

Wearing a 20# weightvest,
4 Rounds for Time:
200m Run
15 Burpees

Time: 7:57

Zone Challenge: 21

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


So what's the deal with Stevia? The FDA states that Stevia can only be referred to as a "dietary supplement" and not a "sweetener." Apparently, Stevia was banned in the 1990s in the United States.  Here is some info from Wikipedia:

"With its extracts having up to 300 times the sweetness of sugar, stevia has garnered attention with the rise in demand for low-carbohydrate, low-sugar food alternatives. Medical research has also shown possible benefits of stevia in treating obesity and high blood pressure. Because stevia has a negligible effect on blood glucose, it is attractive as a natural sweetener to people oncarbohydrate-controlled diets. However, health and political controversies have limited stevia's availability in many countries; for example, the United States banned it in the early 1990s unless labeled as a supplement. Stevia is widely used as a sweetener in Japan, and it is now available in Canada as a dietary supplement."


400m Run
21 L-Pullups
42 KBS 1.5 Pood
15 L-Pullups
30 KBS
9 L-Pullups
15 KBS
400m Run

Time:  13:04


Tabata Ring Pushups
Total: 71

Zone Challenge: 20


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

"Filthy Fifty"


50 each for Time:
24" Box Jumps
Jumping Pullups
1 Pood KBS
Walking Lunges
45# Push Press
Back Extensions
Wall Balls
Double Unders

Time: 23:32

The KTE and burpees were the hardest. By the time I got to burpees it felt like I had no energy left. 

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Test Day

For Time:
100 Pull-ups with 20# weight vest
rest as needed
100 Push-ups with 20# weight vest
rest as needed
100 Sit-ups
rest as needed
100 Squats with 20# weight vest

Pull-ups:  7:30
Push-ups:  5:33
Sit-ups:  2:34
Squats:  2:23

Total: 18:00

Zone Challenge: 18

Thursday, February 12, 2009





Zone Challenge: 18

Monday, February 9, 2009

Shoulder Press and Pullups


5 Rounds:
Max Rep Shoulder Press 95#
Max Rep Pullups
*Rest 5 minutes between sets

7-35, 7-29, 6-26, 6-24, 5-24

Total: 169

Zone Challenge: 17

Sunday, February 8, 2009

RVing to the Games

Huff was talking about renting an RV and taking it up to the games, so I decided to do a little research to see how much it would be. Here's what I found.

7/9/2009-7/13/2009 Pickup in Ventura.

RV for 7 people: $122 for 4 days plus gas
RV for 5 people: $141 for 4 days plus gas

They also have the option of renting a trailer that sleeps 5 people. I'm not sure how much this was, but they say its about 20%-25% cheaper than a motorhome. The trailer might be good if we stay off site because we could leave the trailer and drive over in the tow vehicle.

What do you think?


4 Rounds for time:
400m Run
15 Deadlift 225#

Round 1: 8-7
Round 2: 8-7
Round 3: 5-5-5
Round 4: 11-4
Running felt pretty good.

Time: 10:22

Zone Challenge: 16

Friday, February 6, 2009

BJs, Beer, and Burpees!

100 Burpees* for Time
*Each time you stop do 10 pullups

Time: 8:27 (not C2B)


Zone Challenge: 15

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Progress Check

11/9/2008 (2 months of CF) 2/5/2009 (5 months of CF)
170 lbs    158 lbs 


Power Cleans: 3-3-3-3-3
Front Squat: 3-3-3-3-3
Push Press: 3-3-3-3-3

135-145-155-165-170 (Failed third attempt)
135-95-95-95-95 (I couldn't do these after everything else)

Zone Challenge: 15

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I'm glad this one came up. My brother just did it a few days ago and I was anxious to see how I would do compared to him.

3 Rounds for Time:
400m Run
21 KBS (1.5 pood)
12 Pullups

Time: 7:50

The run felt ok. KBS were unbroken. First round of pullups unbroken. Second round 10-2. Third round 5-3-4.

Zone Challenge: 15

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Lots of Wallballs


2 minutes of 20# wallballs
1 minute of rest
1.5 minutes of 20# wallballs
45 seconds of rest
1 minutes of 20# wallballs
4 minutes of rest
500m Row

Total: 121 wallballs
Row: 1:38.5

This WOD kick my ass. I couldn't stand for a good 5 minutes after, no joke! I really like the rower and I can't wait to see how my fitness improves after using it for a while. 

Zone Challenge: 15

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Fight Gone Bad

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
Wall Balls     30     25     23
SDHPs     25     21          20
Box Jumps     26       24     21
Push Press     20     15     13
Row     19     16     20
Total     120     101     97

Grand Total: 318

I couldn't have done this without all the support and coaching from Colin, Huff, Faith, Katie, Jenna, Mom, and Dad! Thanks for pushing me through that fight. 

Zone Challenge: 14