Monday, December 29, 2008

"CJ vs Pat Barber" WOD

Warm up:
Jump rope
Tabata Squats  (20)

3 Rounds for Time:
25 KBS (1.5 Pood)
15 Pull-ups

5:45 (or something close to this, I'll check tomorrow)

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Deadlifts and Box Jumps

Ideas for the new rings! 


AMRAP in 15 min of:
10 Deadlifts (BW/165#)
20 Box Jumps (24")

9 Rounds + 10 DL

The deadlifts were not too bad. All were unbroken. The Box Jumps were hard to keep a fast pace. 

Day 27 of the Burpee Challenge! All burpees done today at the beach with Katie!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

12 Days of Crossfit

Just like the song! Only I almost died!

100m Sprint
2 SDHP 95#
3 Thrusters 95#
4 Pullups
5 Burpees
6 Box Jumps 24"
7 Pushups
8 KBS 1.5 Pood
9 Wallballs 20#
10 Situps
11 Air Squat Jumps
12 Double Unders

It appears not too bad until you realize that the workout is just like the song, each exercise repeats itself multiple times except for the DUs.

In total it was 
12 100m Sprints
22 SDHP 95#
30 Thrusters 95#
36 Pullups
40 Burpees
42 Box Jumps 24"
42 Pushups
40 KBS 1.5 Pood
36 Wallballs 20#
30 Situps
22 Jumping Air Squats
12 Double Unders

Time 24:16

This WOD was extremely tough. The thursters and SDHPs killed me. I need to work on my thrusters.

Day 24 of the Burpee Challenge. I'm all caught up on Burpees!  :)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Warm Up:
25 Double Unders
10 Second Handstand
X 2

WOD  "Karen"
150 Wallballs for Time, 20#


Then worked on Muscle-Ups.

Day 23 of the Burpee Challenge

Monday, December 22, 2008

"100 Pull-ups for Time" with a twist!

For Time:
100 Pull-ups*
*run 400m each time you drop from the pull-up bar


Day 22 of the Burpee Challenge!

I still have to make up day 19, 20, 21.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

X-mas Wish List

Since everyone has been asking me what I want for Christmas, I thought I'd just make a list for everyone to see. Hopefully it's not too late. I realize that these items will not get here in time, but I don't mind :)

1. Weight Vest 20lb 

Now to the fun stuff... Today's WOD at CFV!

4 Rounds for time of:
400m Run
50 Squats

Time 10:21

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Double Unders, Sit-ups, and Muscle-ups

Where's Faith?

So I'm training for the Crossfit Games Ventura. That means multiple WODs in a day. 

WOD # 1
5 rounds, 50-40-30-20-10, for time of:

7:47 as Rx'd

49 continuous DU's in the first round, round 2 and 3 were broken up, 4 and 5 were continuous. Slowed down a bit on the sit-ups, but they were unbroken.

30 Muscle-ups for time

8:20 as Rx'd

I did the first 20 every 20 seconds, total of 6:40.
I did the last 10 in 1:40, this was about one every 10 seconds.
Next time I'll speed up and do one every 12 seconds and see if I can maintain that speed.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Out of town WOD

Palm Desert WOD on the Tennis Court!


3 Rounds for time of:
30 Pushups
15 Passthroughs
30 Wallballs (12#)
30 Double Unders

Time: 17:18

I didn't realize it when I made it up, but this workout is full of shoulder work. I guess I need to get my programming cert so I don't make this mistake again.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Max Thrusters

Today was a great day. It started off by jumping out of a perfectly good helicopter as part of our Ocean Rescue training. Then I was short hauled hanging 50 feet below the helicopter (That's me hanging from the copter in the shot above). Next, was high speed boat drops and jumping off the Ventura Pier. Then, of course Crossfit!




I should have gone to 160 instead of 165.

Day 11 of the Burpee Challenge

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Crazy "Cindy"


3 Rounds for time of:
5 Rounds of Cindy (5 Pullups, 10 Pushups, 15 Squats)
400m run with a 20# wall ball 

18:46 (CTB Pullups)

I felt strong on the rounds of Cindy. I can't wait till the next time she comes up.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Eddie Aikau, A true Watermen! 

The Ventura City Fire Department started up it's Ocean Rescue training week yesterday. I was fortunate enough to have been selected for the team as a probationary employee. Yesterday the surf was pumping and we had a good time "playing" in the surf. We all took a few larger waves on the head. Today, was day two and the surf was much smaller. The reason I mention this is because I got multiple compliments on my physical strength and appearance from fellow employees. I explained to them that I have been doing Crossfit for about 3 months, and I owe all of my progress to Crossfit Ventura. Hopefully, I will get some of these guys into the free saturday workout to show them what it's all about. At least I sparked their attention!


3 Rounds, 21-15-9 reps, for time of:
225# Deadlift

Time: 9:55  Rx'd (I used two abmats to decrease the range of motion for the HSPU)

Day 9 of the Burpee Challenge 

Sunday, December 7, 2008

"Death by Burpee"


With a continuous running clock, perform one burpee the first minute, two the second, three the third, and so on until you cannot complete the prescribed number within the minute.

15 Rounds + 11  for a total of 131 burpees

Day 7 of the Burpee Challenge

Friday, December 5, 2008



Five rounds, each for time of:
20 Pullups (I subbed ring rows instead of Pullups)
30 Pushups
40 Situps
50 Squats
Rest exactly 3 minutes between sets.

2:43, 2:52, 3:13, 3:28, 3:45 for a total of 16:01

Day 5 of the Burpee Challenge!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

"Nasty Girls"

Are these squaws nasty girls?

I'm sooooo sore from yesterday's WOD. My legs were screaming this morning again doing the squats and hang power cleans. My elbow started to act up again after all the pullups in yesterday's WOD but I took some anti-inflamatories and iced for 15 min on and 15 min off x 4. When I woke up this morning I was pain free. That says something for staying on top of an injury and not letting it get worse. 

"Nasty Girls" with some modifications.
50 squats
21 ring dips
10 hang power cleans with 115

Time 11:03

I subbed muscle ups for dips and went light with the hang power cleans because I wanted to give my elbow a bit of a rest after yesterday's WOD. Next time I would like to do this workout as prescribed even if it takes me forever. 

Today was day 4 of the Burpee Challenge.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thrusters and Pullups


AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
10 Thrusters (65 lbs)
10 Pullups

11 rounds + 10 thrusters + 2 pullups

This WOD was an ass kicker for me! Two opposing functional movements that make your body scream. 

Day 3 of the Burpee Challenge!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Shoulder Work


Shoulder Press: 1-1-1-1-1                   95-105-115-125-130(F)
Push Press: 3-3-3-3-3                        105-115-125-135-145
Push Jerk: 5-5-5-5-5                           115-125-135-140-145

I got a 10 lb PR on 1RM Shoulder Press, 125 lbs.
I got 37 continuous double unders (PR).
Day 1 of the 100 Day Burpee Challenge.

Sunday, November 30, 2008


Today I'm going to make up friday's WOD from CFV.


then max situps

I am at work today and I ran out of weights to put on the bar. It didn't matter too much because I don't think I could have done too much more. Possible another 10 lbs.
Max situps- 110   
I could have done more but I wanted to be able to walk.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

"Jackie" Returns

"Jackie" was the prescribed WOD today at CFV. At first I was super excited because I wanted to improve on my time of 8:02. But, then I realized that my tendonitis in my elbow was not completely gone and I don't want to have to deal with it for any longer. I decided to sub push-ups instead of doing pull-ups. Push-ups are one of my goats so I need to work on them anyway. 

WOD  "Jackie"
subbed 60 pushups instead of 30 pullups

I was fairly happy with this time. I was done with the row in 3:30. I did 35 thrusters, stopped, then did 15. I started these slow like Amundson explains in his CFJ article, but I never really sped up like he says he can. I did the push-ups in sets of 10 until around 40. The last 20 I did in sets of 5.

My plan for next time:
-Get the row done in 3:30
-25 Thrusters/min or 50 Thrusters in 2 min
-30 Pull-ups in 2 min
-Total time would be 7:30

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Day game of Horse. . . with a jump rope!

A little pre-thanksgiving workout at the Mitchell pad. I challenged Nick to a game of Horse with a jump rope. Here is some of what we did... 

2 singles, 1 double, 2 singles, 2 crosses x2
60 singles in under 30 seconds
50 right leg, 50 left leg
15 right leg, 15 alternating, 15 left leg
10 doubles
10 crosses
2 singles, 1 doubles x 5

This video is after about an hour plus of playing horse.

Tabata This

Tabata head stands on water?

Worked out last night with the 5 pm crew, Nick M, Katie, Mase, Kevin, Dave, Cindy, and myself.

WOD      Tabata This

Tabata work with squats, row, SDHP (subbed for pullups), situps, and pushups. Your score is the lowest number of reps per exercise for each tabata interval. 

Squats:      16
Row:          7
SDHP:       8
Situps:       13
Pushpus:   10
Total:        54

Next time I will do more squats. I started with 16 and held it the entire time. I should have started with 18. Row- shoot for 8 each round. My first round was 10, that burned me out a bit.
Situps were max effort I started at 15 then tapered to 13. Pushups I stared at 12 and struggled a lot to maintain 10.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

6 A.M.

Worked out with the 6 A.M. crew today. It's always a cool view of the Topa Topa mountains as the sun is coming up. Most people are sleeping while we are gettin it dun!

As many rounds in 5 minutes of . . . 
7 GHD Sit-ups
14 KBS 1.5 Pood
21 Double Unders

X 3 rounds with a 2 minute rest in between

Round 1: 2 rounds + 7GHD/14 KBS/11DU
Round 2: 2 rounds + 7GHD/10 KBS
Round 3: 2 rounds + 7 GHD/12 KBS

Note to self: DUs are really hard after GHDs and KBS.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Fight Gone Good!

The CFV crew at Fight Gone Bad Fundraiser.  

800m Run
30 DB Snatch Right Hand 20#
30 DB Snatch Left Hand 20#
15 Thrusters 75#
400m Run
30 DB Snatch Right Hand 20#
30 DB Snatch Left Hand 20#
15 Thrusters 75#
800m Run


I need to work on my DB Snatch. I was doing more of a DB Power Snatch. I need to continue to work on flexibility for the thrusters. I still have a hard time resting the bar on my shoulders/chest. Most of the time I hold the bar off my chest. This wastes a lot more energy.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Buddy Lee

                                                                 HOT Crossfit Chick

I got my new Buddy Lee Jump Rope so naturally I had to do a workout with a lot of double unders. This thing is awsome. It's incredibly fast. It took some getting used to after using the old POS here at work. But after some practice I was able to string a few together. 


50 DUs, 50 SU, 40 DU, 40 SU, 30 DU, 30 SU, 20 DU, 20 SU, 10 DU, 10 SU 

I'm not sure how long it took me because I didn't actually start my watch, oops!

I was able to do the last two rounds of DU unbroken. Thats pretty good for me.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

"Angie" Lives On!

It's official! "Angie" kicked my ass. I have never been so sore in my life. It's two days later and I'm having trouble lifting my arms. It's mostly my lats and biceps, but my abs are a bit sore too. This was my first WOD with a lot of pull-ups since having my wisdom teeth out two and a half weeks ago. I was expecting to be sore, but not this sore.

Warm Up:

Double Unders
Partner Pullups
Shoulder Dislocates
Good Mornings


As many rounds in 20 min of . . . 
100m DB Farmer Walk 55lb 
10 DB Thrusters 20lb
10 Pullups

5 rounds + 100m Farmer Walk

This one was a grip Killa! It's amazing how much harder pull-ups are when your grip goes to crap.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Active Rest Day at Work

Day off from the WODs, but I decided to practice some double-unders, handstands, and turkish get-ups. I got a PR for double-unders with 22 consecutive DUs. The jump rope here at work is a POS, I can't wait until my Buddy Lee jump rope comes in the mail later this week. After watching the video of handstand battles on the CFV website it made me want to practice handstands all day long. 

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


800m Run, then...
We had 6 people today so Huff made six stations and we rotated through each station. 
1. 200m Run
2. Hollow Rocks
3. C2 Rower 
4. Arm walks on parallel bars (I'm not sure what they were called)
5. Double Unders
6. 35lb Kettleball Swings

WOD: "Angie"

This was the first time I met Angie, and I'm extremely happy with this time. But, there is definately room for improvement. 

My plan going in was...

10 pull-ups every 30 seconds and try and maintain this as long as possible. I was able to maintain this up to # 70, then I broke them up into 5's and then 3's. Total time to finish pull-ups was about 5:30- 6:00. Oh yea, the first 50 pull-ups were CTB. Next time I will do all CTB even if it takes me twice as long.

25 pushups every minute. This worked for the first two minutes and then I fell apart. I had to break up the rest into 3-6 at a time. Once again push-ups were my weakest link. It looks like I will be adding push-ups to my list of GOATS. This is where I can make up the most time next time I do this workout.

Attempt the abmat sit-ups unbroken and do them as fast as I could. I stopped once.

Attempt the squats unbroken and do them as fast as I could. Again, I stopped once. I should have kept going because after stopping it was hard to start again.