Thursday, November 20, 2008

"Angie" Lives On!

It's official! "Angie" kicked my ass. I have never been so sore in my life. It's two days later and I'm having trouble lifting my arms. It's mostly my lats and biceps, but my abs are a bit sore too. This was my first WOD with a lot of pull-ups since having my wisdom teeth out two and a half weeks ago. I was expecting to be sore, but not this sore.

Warm Up:

Double Unders
Partner Pullups
Shoulder Dislocates
Good Mornings


As many rounds in 20 min of . . . 
100m DB Farmer Walk 55lb 
10 DB Thrusters 20lb
10 Pullups

5 rounds + 100m Farmer Walk

This one was a grip Killa! It's amazing how much harder pull-ups are when your grip goes to crap.

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