Saturday, November 29, 2008

"Jackie" Returns

"Jackie" was the prescribed WOD today at CFV. At first I was super excited because I wanted to improve on my time of 8:02. But, then I realized that my tendonitis in my elbow was not completely gone and I don't want to have to deal with it for any longer. I decided to sub push-ups instead of doing pull-ups. Push-ups are one of my goats so I need to work on them anyway. 

WOD  "Jackie"
subbed 60 pushups instead of 30 pullups

I was fairly happy with this time. I was done with the row in 3:30. I did 35 thrusters, stopped, then did 15. I started these slow like Amundson explains in his CFJ article, but I never really sped up like he says he can. I did the push-ups in sets of 10 until around 40. The last 20 I did in sets of 5.

My plan for next time:
-Get the row done in 3:30
-25 Thrusters/min or 50 Thrusters in 2 min
-30 Pull-ups in 2 min
-Total time would be 7:30

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