Saturday, February 28, 2009

Level 1 Cert: Day 1

Trainers included Greg Amundson, Jolie Gentry, Josh Everett, Pat Barber, Andy Stumpf, Rachel Medina, and a few others. What a crew!

The lectures and demos were awesome. I learned a lot and took a lot of notes for myself to remember the finer points.  In the group breakout sessions I closely watched how they taught the movements to a group of people. 

B2B Tabata Squats
Score is lowest reps: 13

5:19 (PR)

I was stoked with this time, especially after the b2b tabata squats and practicing the 9 fundamental movements all day long. I went out a little hard and I payed for it in the later rounds. I think I would have gone faster if I paced myself better. 

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