Tuesday, February 24, 2009




AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Squats

22 Rounds + 5 Pullups + 8 Pushups
PR by 2 pushups

I was hoping for more than this, but I did improve so I can't complain. Once again, my pushups were the weak link. Only the first 4 rounds of pushups were unbroken, then I started breaking them into 2 sets of 5. I could have pushed faster during the squats. I thought keeping a constant pace would produce more rounds, but I guess not. Next time I need to push as fast as I can on the pullups and squats to make up for my weak pushups. Metcon wise I felt totally fine (more reason to push faster during the squats). OPT kipping pullups are fast and easier to do C2B. First 19 rounds of pullups were C2B until I ripped my hand. 

I had my body fat tested today at a fittness assessment for work. 
Body Fat = 5.5 % +/- 5% according to the trainer. 
My reading three months ago was 8.5%. 

This calls for more fat! I'm changing my zone prescription to 16 blocks with 4x fat. 

Zone Challenge: 22

1 comment:

CJ said...

dude I was wondering why you didn't hit a fat PR, but I didn't you went c2b almost the whole time!

Although it may not seem like it, that makes a big difference!!

Oh, and congrats on joining the 4x fat club! Have fun shoving 194 almonds down every day!