Wednesday, December 24, 2008

12 Days of Crossfit

Just like the song! Only I almost died!

100m Sprint
2 SDHP 95#
3 Thrusters 95#
4 Pullups
5 Burpees
6 Box Jumps 24"
7 Pushups
8 KBS 1.5 Pood
9 Wallballs 20#
10 Situps
11 Air Squat Jumps
12 Double Unders

It appears not too bad until you realize that the workout is just like the song, each exercise repeats itself multiple times except for the DUs.

In total it was 
12 100m Sprints
22 SDHP 95#
30 Thrusters 95#
36 Pullups
40 Burpees
42 Box Jumps 24"
42 Pushups
40 KBS 1.5 Pood
36 Wallballs 20#
30 Situps
22 Jumping Air Squats
12 Double Unders

Time 24:16

This WOD was extremely tough. The thursters and SDHPs killed me. I need to work on my thrusters.

Day 24 of the Burpee Challenge. I'm all caught up on Burpees!  :)

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