Thursday, December 4, 2008

"Nasty Girls"

Are these squaws nasty girls?

I'm sooooo sore from yesterday's WOD. My legs were screaming this morning again doing the squats and hang power cleans. My elbow started to act up again after all the pullups in yesterday's WOD but I took some anti-inflamatories and iced for 15 min on and 15 min off x 4. When I woke up this morning I was pain free. That says something for staying on top of an injury and not letting it get worse. 

"Nasty Girls" with some modifications.
50 squats
21 ring dips
10 hang power cleans with 115

Time 11:03

I subbed muscle ups for dips and went light with the hang power cleans because I wanted to give my elbow a bit of a rest after yesterday's WOD. Next time I would like to do this workout as prescribed even if it takes me forever. 

Today was day 4 of the Burpee Challenge.

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