WOD # 1 at 0730
"Fat Helen"
400m Run
21 KBS 2 Pood
12 Pullups C2B
Time 10:55
This was pretty tough. Run and C2B pullups weren't bad but the swings were difficult. I did 12-9 the first two rounds then 12-4-3-2. We held our selves to the same standards that were required of the athletes at the qualifier (fully extended with part of the ear showing/chest touches the bar below the clavicle). Katie did the swings with 1.5 pood which was Rxd for women. She also did some pretty impressive C2B pullups. Great job Katie!
WOD # 2 at 1230
15-12-9 Reps for Time of:
135# Clean and Jerk
Handstand Pushups
Time 19:41
This was a killer for me. The clean and jerks were not too bad but the HSPU kicked my ass like always. I did singles the entire time with little bits of rest in between each rep. Once again, we held our selves to the same standards: hands no wider than your press grip (marked with tape on the ground), feet must be in contact with the wall at the top of the rep, and part of the ear exposed at the top of the jerk with hips fully opened.
Zone Challenge: 34
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