Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Shoulder Press


Shoulder Press
2x 800m Run

2:33, 2:27

My shoulder strength and flexibility need a lot of work. Not only am I weak but I'm very inflexible. Note to self: start stretching shoulders more and work on handstands when able.
Nick and I had quite the duel on the second 800. Apparently it is the Mitchell nature to be extremely competitive. I passed him about 500m, he passed me at 600m, I passed him at 700m, he passed me at 750m, then it was an all out sprint from the trash can. We ended up coming in at the same time, 2:27. There is no way I would have gone that fast if Nick was not there pushing me.

Zone as Rx'd today. 

Zone Challenge: 3

Day 38 of the Burpee Challenge. ( I need to do these tomorrow)

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