Monday, January 19, 2009

Wallballs, SDHP, and DUs

Refugio, 2008

AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
10 Wallballs (20#)
10 SDHP (75#)
20 Double Unders

10 Rounds + 1 Wallball
After completing my 10th round I had about 10 seconds left and I was planning on falling over right then and there, but Faith pushed me to the next level and I went over and did one more wall ball. Thanks Faith!

This WOD was a gasser! The wallballs were the easiest which is surprising because a few months ago I despised wallballs. The SDHP were not too bad. Toward the end I broke them up into two sets of 5. The DUs killed me. I did 20 in a row for the first few rounds but that made me so tired that I had to slow down before the wallballs, so after the first few rounds I did two sets of 10. This way I was able to move to the next exercise with less recovery time. 

Zone Challenge: 8

Day 50 of the Burpee Challenge!

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