800m Run, then...
We had 6 people today so Huff made six stations and we rotated through each station.
1. 200m Run
2. Hollow Rocks
3. C2 Rower
4. Arm walks on parallel bars (I'm not sure what they were called)
5. Double Unders
6. 35lb Kettleball Swings
WOD: "Angie"
This was the first time I met Angie, and I'm extremely happy with this time. But, there is definately room for improvement.
My plan going in was...
10 pull-ups every 30 seconds and try and maintain this as long as possible. I was able to maintain this up to # 70, then I broke them up into 5's and then 3's. Total time to finish pull-ups was about 5:30- 6:00. Oh yea, the first 50 pull-ups were CTB. Next time I will do all CTB even if it takes me twice as long.
25 pushups every minute. This worked for the first two minutes and then I fell apart. I had to break up the rest into 3-6 at a time. Once again push-ups were my weakest link. It looks like I will be adding push-ups to my list of GOATS. This is where I can make up the most time next time I do this workout.
Attempt the abmat sit-ups unbroken and do them as fast as I could. I stopped once.
Attempt the squats unbroken and do them as fast as I could. Again, I stopped once. I should have kept going because after stopping it was hard to start again.